Shape Cast automatically turns a sketch of a pot into the 3D models needed to make a plaster slip casting mold.
Shape Cast is in limited beta. It is still under active development. If you're interested, please sign up and I will add you as spots open up and any bugs are worked out. In the mean time, feel free to use any of the Shape Cast models in the gallery.
These are examples created with shape cast. Each starts with a profile sketch (left) and Shape Cast renders a live 3D preview. Drag it around - it moves! Shape Cast creates the STL files needed to pour a plaster mold so you can slip cast the associated form. Login to download the associated 3D printed STL files!
80mm diameter at the rim and 130mm tall
Approx volume of 350ml (12oz)
Plaster volume about 1.6L ~ mix 1.75kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 1.22L water
Download SVG
160mm diameter at the rim and 65mm tall
Approx volume of 725ml (24oz)
Plaster volume about 1.8L ~ mix 2kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 1.4L water
Download SVG
75mm diameter at the rim and 75mm tall
Approx volume of 200ml (7oz)
Plaster volume about 1L ~ mix 1.25kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 0.88L water
This is the form for the vessel. Here it is shown with the with 55mm Shape Cast handle to make a tiny mug.
Download SVG
84mm diameter at the rim and 104mm tall
Approx volume of 355ml (12oz)
Plaster volume about 1.45L ~ mix 1.5kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 1.05L water
This is the form for the vessel. Here it is shown with the with 75mm Shape Cast handle to make a mug.
Download SVG
100mm diameter and 125mm tall
Approx volume of 700ml
Plaster volume about 2.0L ~ mix 2.25kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 1.58L water
Download SVG
140mm diameter and 65mm tall
Approx volume of 750ml
Plaster volume about 1.9L ~ mix 2.0kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 1.4L water
Download SVG
100mm diameter and 50mm tall
Approx volume of 265ml
Plaster volume about 1.13L ~ mix 1.25kg of dry USG No. 1 Pottery Plaster and 0.88L water
Download SVG
Select your wall thickness ►
. mmSelect the approximate wall thickness of your final ceramics piece.
Select a clay shrinkage factor ►
. %FL - Fired Length. This is the dimension of the pot once finally fired. It should also the dimension represented in the SVG file.
OL - Original Length. This is the dimenstion of the wet clay. It is also the size of the slip casting cavity.
TS - Total Shrinkage. (1 - (FL / OL)) * 100
For example, if the fired diameter is supposed to be 100mm (FL) and the corresponding mold diameter (OL) is 115mm then the shrinkage is (1 - (100/115)) * 100 = 13%.
A different example: If the fired diameter is supposed to be 80mm (FL) and the corresponding mold diameter (OL) is 94.2mm then the shrinkage is (1 - (80/94.2)) * 100 = 15%.
Outer mold generation ►
Which type of outer mold would you like Shape Cast to create?
None: no outer mold. You will use your own container for plaster.
Two part: the outer mold is split in half.
Four part: the outer mold is split in quarters.
Why split the outer mold? A split outer mold is easier to disassemble once the plaster is poured. It also takes up less area on your print bed. The four part mold will take less space than the two part mold and therefore you can make bigger pots.
Shape Cast handle molds are for sale. A mold consists of 4 parts which you 3D printed and pour plaster into. They are symmetric so the same 3D printed mold is used twice to make two plaster molds to slip cast a handle! Just like other Shape Cast molds, you go straight from 3D print to plaster without silicone or other materials.
We created 10 D shaped handles with different heights. These all assume a 13% clay shrinkage rate (so your final sizes will vary based on that). They range from a final height (H) of 50mm to 100mm (~2" to ~4") measured from outside to outside. They extend out 35mm (1 3/8") but are easy to trim shorter if desired when attaching to your pot. These all have the same cross section profile. See the image for the dimensions.
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Sign up for the Shape Cast limited beta wait list.
Shape Cast is in limited beta as the software is being developed and bugs are worked out. The server has limited capacity so we can only take a few new people that want to try Shape Cast at a time.
Login (right now only "Sign in with Google" is supported) and then come back to this page to sign up on the wait list.